Rockville Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Lawyers Addressing Driver Negligence in Motorcycle Accidents in Rockville, MD

Motorcycle accidents can have devastating consequences for riders, who often suffer serious injuries due to the limited protection motorcycles provide. These accidents are most often caused by negligence on the part of other drivers who fail to share the road with motorcycles responsibly. When motorcycle accidents affect people in Rockville, elsewhere in Maryland, or Washington, D.C., the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder is here to help. Our attorneys work with our clients personally to help them hold negligent drivers accountable. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, we are ready to fight for the financial compensation that will help you recover physically, emotionally, and financially.

How Negligence Leads to Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists have the same rights to the road as other drivers, but far too often, their safety is put at risk by the careless actions of others. Common examples of driver negligence that can lead to collisions with motorcycles include:

  • Failure to Yield: Drivers may refuse to give motorcycles the right of way when required. This can lead to collisions when vehicles are making turns at intersections or when merging into traffic on a road or highway.
  • Distracted Driving: Texting, eating and drinking, grooming, or other distractions can prevent drivers from noticing nearby motorcycles. They may change lanes without realizing that a motorcycle is in their blind spot, leading to a collision or forcing the motorcycle off the road.
  • Following Too Closely: Because of the smaller size of motorcycles, drivers may not realize when they have slowed down suddenly. A driver who is tailgating may be unable to avoid striking a motorcycle from the rear, which can seriously injure a motorcyclist.
  • Speeding: Excessive speed reduces a driver's ability to react to motorcycles and avoid collision. When a vehicle is traveling at high speeds, the severity of a crash will increase, causing serious harm to a motorcyclist.
  • Drunk or Impaired Driving: Drivers who use alcohol or drugs before getting behind the wheel are more likely to cause dangerous accidents that may injure or kill motorcyclists. Intoxication can make it more difficult for a driver to see a motorcycle, and impairments to their physical abilities may cause them to lose control and cause a dangerous collision.

Types of Injuries in Motorcycle Collisions

Motorcyclists are vulnerable to serious bodily harm in collisions because they lack the protective barriers offered by passenger vehicles. Even minor motorcycle accidents can result in life-changing injuries, including:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): Even when wearing helmets, motorcyclists may suffer concussions or more severe brain injuries that can affect their cognitive functions and their overall quality of life.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Damage to the spine can result in paralysis in different parts of the body. Long-term medical care will often be needed, and lifestyle adjustments and modifications to a person's home may be necessary.
  • Fractures and Broken Bones: Collisions often cause fractures in the legs, arms, hips, or ribs due to the force of impact or being thrown from the motorcycle. Broken bones can be very painful, and they can take a long time to heal. In some cases, they may lead to a loss of mobility or other permanent impairments.
  • Road Rash and Skin Abrasions: When riders slide across the pavement in a collision, they may suffer painful cuts and scrapes. In some cases, skin grafts or other treatments may be required, and injuries may result in permanent scarring.
  • Internal Injuries: The force of a collision can cause organ damage, internal bleeding, or other life-threatening injuries.
  • Amputations: Severe injuries to limbs may lead to the need for surgical amputations. These injuries will result in permanent disabilities that can affect a person's mobility and independence.

These injuries often require extensive medical treatment, including surgeries, physical therapy, and rehabilitation. Victims may also face long recovery times, ongoing pain, and emotional trauma.

Contact Our Rockville, Maryland Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

When a negligent driver is responsible for causing a motorcycle accident that has led to serious injuries or permanent disabilities, the attorneys at the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder are ready to fight for you. We will work to make sure you will be able to receive the compensation you need, addressing issues such as the costs of medical care, the wages you have lost while recovering, and the full extent of your pain and suffering. Set up a free consultation today by contacting us at 301-762-7500.


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107 N Adams St
Rockville, MD 20850
Call 301-762-7500

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