Rockville, Maryland Solicitation of Prostitution Lawyers
Attorneys Representing People Accused of Soliciting Prostitution in Rockville
Prostitution is a criminal charge that some people may face if they are accused of engaging in sexual activity in return for money or other types of payment. However, some people may not realize that a person can also be charged with a crime if they allegedly attempt to hire a prostitute. This is known as solicitation, and accusations of this type of crime can cause harm to a person's reputation, career, and personal relationships.
If you have been charged with solicitation of prostitution in Maryland or Washington, D.C., the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder is ready to provide you with legal representation. We know how these charges may affect you, and we will handle your case without judgment, working to resolve matters in a way that will help you avoid long-lasting penalties while protecting your reputation.
What Is Solicitation of Prostitution?
Solicitation generally involves offering or agreeing to exchange money or something else of value for sexual acts. Under Maryland law, these charges are based on intent. That is, a person could be charged with solicitation if they intended to pay someone for sexual acts and took action to do so, even if sexual acts did not occur.
Examples of situations where someone might be charged with solicitation include:
- Offering to Pay for Sexual Acts: This may include any situations where a person allegedly approached someone and offered money or some other form of payment in exchange for sexual services.
- Arranging Services Online: A person could be charged with a crime if they used websites, social media, or other digital platforms to solicit sexual acts.
- Sting Operations: Law enforcement may use undercover operations in which officers pose as sex workers to try to apprehend people who attempt to solicit prostitution. A person could be charged with solicitation if they agree to pay for sexual acts from an undercover officer.
Penalties for Solicitation of Prostitution in Maryland
The penalties a person may face if they are charged with solicitation will depend on the specific issues involved in a case, but they can include:
- Fines and Jail Time: Solicitation is a misdemeanor offense, and a conviction may result in up to 1 year in jail and fines of up to $500.
- Permanent Criminal Record: A person who is convicted of solicitation will have this offense on their criminal record, which will be visible in background checks. This could affect their ability to find a job or a place to live, as well as other opportunities.
- Public Exposure and Embarrassment: Solicitation charges may be made public, which could damage a person's reputation and affect their relationships with family, friends, and people they work with. In some cases, a conviction could lead to the loss of a professional license or a job.
How the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder Can Help Defend Against Solicitation Charges
At the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder, we understand the sensitive nature of solicitation cases. We handle these cases discreetly while focusing on protecting our clients' rights and helping them achieve the best possible outcomes. We can:
- Review Law Enforcement Procedures and Challenge Evidence: We can look at how sting operations or other investigations were handled to determine whether a person's rights may have been violated. We can also look at the evidence involved in a case, including phone calls or online communications, police reports, and witness testimonies to determine the best ways to address the claims made by the prosecution.
- Explore Alternatives to Conviction: In some cases, we may negotiate with prosecutors to secure reduced charges or dismissals. We can advocate for options such as diversion programs, probation, or treatment that will help our clients avoid the long-lasting effects of a criminal conviction.
- Provide Representation in Court: We always make sure our clients are ready to appear in court and defend themselves. We explain what questions they may be asked, how to answer these questions appropriately, what to wear, and what will happen during legal proceedings. While we will work to reach agreements that will allow a case to be resolved in our client's favor, we will always be prepared to proceed to trial if needed. At all times, we will present a compelling defense to contest solicitation charges and advocate for an acquittal.
Contact Our Rockville, MD Solicitation Defense Attorneys
The Law Offices of Mallon Snyder serves clients in Rockville, throughout Maryland, and in Washington, D.C., providing experienced representation in solicitation cases. If you have been charged with solicitation of prostitution, contact us today at 301-762-7500 to set up a free, confidential consultation. Our team is prepared to defend your rights, protect your reputation, and work toward the best possible resolution of your case.

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107 N Adams St
Rockville, MD 20850
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