Rockville, Maryland First-Time DUI Attorney
Trusted First-Time DUI Lawyer Defending the Rights of Clients in Rockville, MD
If you have been arrested for DUI or DWI for the first time, you may be confused and intimidated. In Maryland, there are serious consequences for people who are convicted of driving under the influence, even if they are first-time offenders. The Law Offices of Mallon Snyder can provide you with legal representation to defend against first-time DUI charges. We can help you understand your rights and options, and we will work with you to build a strong defense strategy.
The Legal Help You Need in Your First-Time DUI Case
Many people who are charged with crimes will work with public defenders or other attorneys who handle a large number of cases. Many lawyers will advise their clients to accept plea bargains in order to complete cases as quickly as possible. This means that many people end up pleading guilty even when they could have valid defenses at trial.
At the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder, we are not satisfied with guilty pleas unless they are warranted. We know how convictions can affect our clients, and we do everything we can to prevent them. If you are convicted of DUI, you may lose your license and your job. You may have to pay large fines or even spend time in jail. Your immigration status could even be affected. We will not simply accept unfavorable results. Instead, we will help you fight the charges and do everything we can to prevent a conviction.
When you go to court, you need to know what to expect. We can provide coaching and preparation so that you will not be caught off guard. We will let you know how to dress, and if necessary we provide you with a tie to look your best in court. We will also make sure you know what types of questions will be asked and how you should properly respond. With a compassionate, dedicated attorney at your side, you will have the confidence you need as you enter the courtroom.
By making sure your case is prepared for trial, we will be able to make sure you can achieve positive results. We know how to challenge evidence such as breathalyzer tests or field sobriety tests, addressing any mistakes the police made that could affect your case. Our goal is to minimize your potential penalties, including reducing fines and helping you avoid jail time. We will work to have your case dismissed, and if appropriate, we will go to trial for you to defend against a conviction.
Understanding First-Time DUI Penalties in Maryland
When a person is charged with DUI or DWI for the first time, the penalties they face may include:
- Fines: A First-time DUI may lead to fines of up to $1,000, while the fine for first-time DWI may be as much as $500. Fines may be higher if there were aggravating factors that led to felony DUI charges.
- Jail Time: First-time DUI offenders can receive up to one year in jail, and first-time DWI offenders may be sentenced to up to two months. However, many cases result in shorter jail sentences or alternative sentencing options such as probation before judgment.
- Driver's License Suspension: A first-time DUI conviction will add 12 points to a Maryland driver's license, and a person's license may be revoked for six months. A first-time DWI will add eight points and lead to a six-month license suspension.
- Alcohol Education Programs: Maryland may require first-time DUI or DWI offenders to attend an alcohol education or treatment program.
Plea Options and Alternative Sentencing
First-time DUI offenders in Maryland may have options for alternative sentencing, such as probation before judgment (PBJ). This will allow for a period of probation while avoiding a criminal conviction. Maryland now offers a new option known as PBJ (C) that will have no impact on immigration. It may be available to non-citizens who want to maintain or obtain a valid immigration status.
While probation before judgment may be helpful for some people, it may not always be the best option. Our attorneys can help you weigh the benefits and drawbacks of accepting plea bargains that include reduced charges, probation, or other terms. Our experience negotiating with prosecutors and our willingness to fully evaluate and prepare your case can help you achieve the best possible outcome to your case.
Frequently Asked Questions About First-Time DUI/DWI Charges in Maryland
In Maryland, you have the right to refuse field sobriety tests or a roadside breathalyzer test during a traffic stop. Refusing these tests may lead to an arrest, but it may limit the types of evidence that could be used against you in a DUI case. After you are taken to a police station, you may be asked to take a breathalyzer or blood test. Refusing these tests will lead to an automatic suspension of your driver's license. Our lawyers can help you understand how evidence from breath or blood tests will affect your DUI case.
A Maryland DUI conviction will be a part of your record, with no way to remove it. However, if you received probation before judgment, an expungement may be available after 15 years. We can help you understand what will appear on your record and determine how to mitigate the impact of a first-time DUI charge.
Contact Our Rockville, MD First-Time DUI Defense Lawyer
If you are facing a first-time DUI charge in Maryland, you need an experienced, dedicated attorney on your side. The Law Offices of Mallon Snyder will work to reduce the penalties you may face and minimize the impact on your future. We will fight to protect your rights and build a strong defense so you can put this situation behind you. Contact us by calling 301-762-7500 to arrange a free consultation and explore your options.

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107 N Adams St
Rockville, MD 20850
Call 301-762-7500
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