Rockville, MD Aggravated Assault Attorneys
Lawyers Defending Against First-Degree Assault Charges in Rockville, MD
There are multiple types of offenses in the category of assault, and they usually involve attempts to injure someone else. Aggravated assault, which is known as first-degree assault in Maryland, is one of the most serious forms of assault. A conviction can result in severe penalties, including the possibility of a long prison sentence.
Being convicted of a crime can have long-term lasting consequences that can affect your reputation and your future. If you are facing aggravated assault charges in Rockville, other parts of Maryland, or Washington, D.C., the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder can provide you with effective legal representation. Our attorneys will help you navigate the legal process, build a strong defense, and fight to avoid a conviction.
What Is Aggravated Assault in Maryland?
Under Maryland law, there is a difference between first-degree and second-degree assault. First-degree assault involves actions that cause someone else to suffer serious physical harm. Attempts to seriously injure someone could also lead to aggravated assault charges. An assault charge may be increased to first-degree assault due to issues such as:
- Use of a Deadly Weapon: Assault involving firearms, including handguns, pistols, rifles, shotguns, or machine guns, can lead to first-degree charges.
- Intent to Cause Serious Injury: If you are accused of attempting to inflict severe bodily harm, you should be charged with first-degree assault. For example, striking someone with a great deal of force or attacking a person who is more likely to suffer serious harm, such as an elderly person or someone who is disabled, may lead to aggravated assault charges.
- Risk of Death or Permanent Injury: Assaults involving injuries that put someone's life at risk or are likely to cause disfigurement or long-term disabilities are treated more seriously, and first-degree charges may apply.
- Strangulation: Choking someone or cutting off their breathing or blood flow in the neck can lead to aggravated assault charges.
Aggravated assault charges can occur in many different situations. Physical fights in locations such as bars or during road rage incidents are some examples of cases where a person may be charged with first-degree assault after injuring someone else. Accusations of domestic violence could lead to aggravated assault charges if a family member allegedly suffered a serious injury. At the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder, we can evaluate your case and help you determine the best defense strategy against these charges.
Penalties for Aggravated Assault in Maryland
First-degree assault is a felony in Maryland. A conviction carries severe penalties, which may include:
- Prison Sentence: The maximum sentence a person may face if they are convicted is 25 years. The circumstances of the offense and your criminal history may determine the sentence that may apply in your case.
- Fines: You could be required to pay as much as $5,000 in fines as a penalty for a conviction.
- Criminal Record: A felony conviction on your record can limit your job opportunities and housing options while affecting other areas of your life.
The effects of a conviction go beyond the courtroom. Your relationships, financial stability, and reputation may be affected. For some, a criminal conviction could affect immigration issues, possibly even leading to deportation. This shows the importance of taking steps to build a strong defense against a conviction.
Defending Against Aggravated Assault Charges
The Law Offices of Mallon Snyder can provide the legal representation you need to protect your rights and fight for the best possible outcome in your case. We can assist you by:
- Analyzing the Evidence: Our legal team will carefully review the case against you, including witness statements, police reports, and other evidence. We will find errors or weaknesses that can be used to challenge the charges.
- Challenging Intent: Prosecutors must prove that you intended to cause serious harm. We will work with you to show that you did not intend to do so.
- Arguing Self-Defense or Defense of Others: We can help you show that you were acting to protect yourself or others from harm.
- Seeking Reduced Charges or Alternative Sentencing: If a full dismissal of charges is not possible, we can negotiate with prosecutors to reduce the charges to second-degree assault or another lesser offense. This may reduce the penalties you may face and limit the long-term impact of a conviction.
- Advocating in Court: We are not satisfied with simply pleading guilty, and we will take your case to trial if necessary. We will not stop fighting until we achieve the best possible results for you.
We understand the worries and stress you are facing, especially if you do not have experience with the courts or the legal system. We will make sure you are fully prepared by letting you know what to wear when you go to court and instructing you on the questions you may be asked and how you should answer them appropriately. We will be there for you every step of the way, giving you the confidence you need to resolve your legal issues.
Contact Our Rockville Aggravated Assault Defense Lawyers
When dealing with charges of first-degree assault, the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder is ready to defend you throughout your case. We will fight to protect your rights from the beginning to the end of your case. Contact us by calling 301-762-7500 to arrange a free consultation. Let us provide the support and guidance you need as you defend against aggravated assault charges.

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107 N Adams St
Rockville, MD 20850
Call 301-762-7500
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