Rockville Online Promotion of Prostitution Lawyers
Attorneys for Prostitution Charges Involving Electronic Communications in Rockville, MD
Criminal charges related to prostitution can be serious, and they can affect people other than those who directly engage in prostitution or solicitation. The promotion of prostitution through online platforms can also lead to criminal charges in Maryland. People who are accused of using websites, social media, or other electronic communications to promote or profit from prostitution will need to understand their options for defense.
When you are facing accusations of online promotion of prostitution, the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder can represent you during your criminal case. Our lawyers will work to protect your rights and your reputation, and we will help you build a strong defense against these charges. We will fight to have you acquitted, and we will make sure you understand the best steps you can take to resolve your case successfully.
Charges and Penalties for Promoting Prostitution in Maryland
Under Maryland law, it is illegal to promote prostitution. Aiding, supporting, or profiting from prostitution-related activities can lead to criminal charges. There are many activities involving the internet that could lead to charges of online promotion of prostitution, including:
- Creating or managing advertisements for sexual services on websites or social media.
- Connecting potential clients with people who are willing to engage in sexual services in exchange for payment.
- Operating or managing websites that connect parties involved in prostitution.
- Taking payments for prostitution using online platforms such as Venmo or CashApp.
- Attempting to conceal the source of payments made in exchange for sexual activities, which is also known as money laundering.
Promoting prostitution is a misdemeanor offense in Maryland. A person who is convicted could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison, and they may be fined up to $10,000.
When Internet Use Leads to Federal Charges
In some cases, using the internet or electronic communications to promote prostitution may result in federal charges. In general, federal crimes address situations where people in multiple states are affected. Websites use computer systems in multiple locations, and they often send data across state lines. Because of this, operating a website or other online service that promotes prostitution may result in criminal charges at the federal level.
In most cases, federal charges for online promotion of prostitution will carry a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. However, if a person is accused of promoting prostitution involving five or more people, or if they have a "reckless disregard" of the possibility that they have contributed to sex trafficking, they could be sentenced to up to 25 years.
Defending Against Online Promotion of Prostitution Charges
At the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder, our lawyers understand the complex issues that may need to be addressed in cases involving accusations of online promotion of prostitution. We will closely review digital evidence, including online platforms, emails, text messages, or other forms of communication. We can work with experts to determine whether different types of evidence are valid or whether there are flaws or gaps in the prosecution's case. We can also address violations of a client's rights that may have occurred, such as illegal searches that violated the 4th Amendment.
We will fight for an acquittal by building a strong case for our client. We may challenge intent and show that a person was unaware that they were doing anything illegal, or we may address entrapment or other violations by law enforcement. We can highlight weaknesses in the prosecution's arguments and take steps to show that a person is innocent.
In some cases, we may be able to reach agreements with prosecutors to have charges reduced, or we may determine whether alternative sentences such as probation or diversion programs will be available. However, we are not interested in simply pleading guilty, and we will work to achieve the best possible outcome. This means that we are willing to take cases to trial and fight to have our client acquitted if that will be the best approach to take.
Regardless of how our client's case is handled, we will always make sure they are fully prepared to handle legal issues in court. We make sure they will be dressed professionally, including providing a tie to wear. We will provide guidance on how to answer questions appropriately during legal proceedings, with extensive coaching ahead of time to help avoid stress and nervousness as much as possible. At all times, we will be there by our client's side to make sure their rights and interests are protected.
Contact Our Rockville, Maryland Online Promotion of Prostitution Attorneys
If you have been charged with promoting prostitution online, the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder can provide strong legal representation and protect your rights in court. Contact us by calling 301-762-7500 to arrange a free consultation. We can provide representation in most counties throughout Maryland, and we also assist clients located in Washington, D.C.

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107 N Adams St
Rockville, MD 20850
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