Rockville, MD Assault on a Police Officer Lawyers
Attorneys for Assault Charges Involving Police Officers in Rockville
Charges of assault become more serious when they involve allegations of harming or attempting to harm a police officer or other first responder. Under Maryland law, there are harsh penalties for these offenses. This is meant to help protect officers as they perform their duties. However, it may mean that people could face criminal charges because of misunderstandings or due to police misconduct.
If you have been accused of assaulting a police officer or another first responder, the attorneys at the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder can provide you with legal help. Our team understands the high stakes of these cases. A conviction may lead to a prison sentence, large fines, and other penalties, such as issues that could affect your immigration status. We know the impact that a criminal record can have on your life, and we will fight to protect your rights and your future.
Going to court to address assault charges may seem like a scary, stressful situation. In cases involving charges of assault against a police officer, you may worry that a judge will side with the police against you. Our lawyers will work to ensure that you will be treated fairly. We will explain what you can expect when you enter the courtroom and provide guidance on the appropriate answers to give when the judge asks you questions. We will also make sure you dress professionally so that you present the best possible image, and we will work to resolve your case in a way that will help you reduce or avoid penalties that could affect you in the future.
What Is Assault Against a Police Officer?
Assault may involve threats to harm someone, making contact with someone in a provocative way, or inflicting injuries. Allegations of assault committed against a police officer will result in more serious charges than many other types of assault cases. The same charges may apply if assault was allegedly committed against a parole or probation officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, or another first responder.
These charges may be related to:
- Physical Attacks: A person may be charged with assault if they strike, shove, or make physical contact with an officer in a harmful or threatening manner.
- Use of Objects or Weapons: Throwing objects at an officer or otherwise using weapons to attempt to harm an officer may lead to assault charges.
- Resisting Arrest: Police officers may use physical force to subdue suspects. In these situations, someone who struggles or tries to resist being detained may be charged with assault if their actions cause an officer to suffer harm.
- Interfering With Law Enforcement: In some cases, actions that affect an officer's ability to perform their duties, such as threatening words or gestures, could lead to assault charges.
It is important to note that a person could be charged with assault even if there was no physical contact. Threatening behavior or gestures alone may be considered assault under Maryland law.
While assault is usually classified as a misdemeanor, a charge of assault against a police officer will typically be charged as a felony. A conviction may result in a prison sentence of up to 10 years and a fine of up to $5,000.
How the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder Can Help Address Charges of Assault on a Police Officer
Our attorneys will provide you with the representation needed to defend against charges of assault against a police officer. We will review all evidence related to the case, including video footage of the incident and testimony from witnesses. This can help us find evidence that supports your version of the events and demonstrates that you should be acquitted.
We can address claims that you intended to harm a police officer. Depending on your case, we may be able to show that contact with the officer was accidental or that you were defending yourself. We can also address the use of excessive force by police or any other violations of your rights.
We will work to resolve your case by arguing for a dismissal or negotiating with prosecutors to have charges reduced and minimize the penalties you may face. However, we will not be satisfied with anything other than the best possible results. If an acceptable agreement cannot be reached, we will represent you during a criminal trial and argue for an acquittal.
Contact Our Rockville, Maryland Assault Against a Police Officer Attorneys
When you are facing charges of assaulting a police officer, you will need to act quickly to protect your rights. The best way to do so is to secure representation from the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder. We will evaluate your case, explain your options, and fight to protect your rights. To arrange a free consultation, contact us at 301-762-7500. We are located in Rockville, and we can assist with criminal cases in most counties throughout Maryland. We also represent clients in Washington, D.C.

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107 N Adams St
Rockville, MD 20850
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