Bethesda, Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys
Lawyers Representing Clients in Criminal Cases in Bethesda, MD
When you have been charged with a crime, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. You may worry that saying or doing the wrong thing could lead to a conviction that will result in a prison sentence, high fines, and other problems that will affect your life and your future. It is important to remember that you are not alone, and by getting legal help from a skilled lawyer, you can defend against a conviction while protecting your rights.
At the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder, we can provide you with a legal defense against a wide range of criminal charges. Our attorneys know how to build strong defense strategies, and we will be here for you during every step of your case. We will fight to make sure you are acquitted or determine whether reduced charges, alternative sentences, or probation may be available in your case. With our team on your side, you can be sure that you are taking the right steps to achieve the ideal outcome.
We handle all types of criminal cases, including:
Sex Crimes
Accusations of sex crimes can not only lead to penalties such as jail time and sex offender registration, but they can permanently damage your reputation and personal relationships. We can provide a strong defense when you are facing charges such as:
- Sexual Assault, including rape and other non-consensual sexual acts.
- Prostitution and Solicitation, which may involve offering, agreeing to, or engaging in sexual acts in exchange for money or other benefits.
- Child Pornography, which may involve the possession, distribution, or production of illegal material such as images or videos of minors engaging in sexual activity.
- Online Solicitation, an offense involving the use of the internet to engage in sexual activity with minors.
Drug Crimes
Drug-related offenses are treated harshly in Maryland. Misdemeanor or felony charges may apply depending on the types and amounts of drugs involved in a case. Our attorneys can address issues such as unlawful searches or drug addiction, working to resolve these cases successfully. We can assist with drug charges such as:
- Drug Possession: Cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, prescription opioids, or other controlled substances found in your possession can lead to criminal charges.
- Possession With Intent to Distribute: You could face allegations of selling or distributing drugs if you possess large amounts of a substance or if a case involves evidence like cash or drug paraphernalia.
- Drug Trafficking: Some of the most serious drug charges may involve transporting controlled substances into Maryland from other states or countries.
Violent Crimes
Because of the ways victims may be affected, crimes involving violence carry harsh penalties. We can help defend against charges such as:
- Assault: Charges may range from simple assault to aggravated assault involving serious injuries or dangerous weapons, assault against a police officer or first responder, or vehicular assault.
- Kidnapping: We can help address allegations related to abducting or detaining another person, including situations where parents are accused of kidnapping their own children.
- Domestic Violence: When arguments between family members lead to accusations of violence or abuse, criminal charges can affect family relationships or child custody. We can help address these accusations and make sure issues related to restraining orders are handled correctly.
DUI and Drunk Driving Charges
An arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) can lead to multiple types of serious penalties, including fines, license suspension, and possible jail time. We can provide a strong defense against DUI charges, including:
We may be able to challenge traffic stops, question the accuracy of DUI tests, or use other defense strategies to help avoid a conviction. We will work with you to minimize the penalties you may face and protect your driving privileges.
Prostitution and Solicitation
Charges related to prostitution can lead to a variety of penalties, and they may affect you personally and professionally. We can address accusations of solicitation of prostitution, online promotion of prostitution, or sex trafficking. We will treat your case with discretion while providing you with an effective defense to protect your rights and reputation.
Property Crimes
Theft and other related crimes can vary from misdemeanor offenses to serious felonies that carry penalties such as decades in prison and tens of thousands of dollars in fines. We can provide representation in property crime cases including:
- Theft and Larceny, which may involve accusations of unlawfully taking another person's property.
- Robbery, in which force or intimidation is used to commit theft.
- Burglary, which involves unlawfully entering a property with the intent to commit a crime.
Traffic Offenses
Traffic violations can lead to fines, points on your driver's license, and increased insurance rates. Multiple violations could lead to the suspension of your license, and in some cases, you could face criminal charges that may result in jail time. We can help address charges such as reckless driving, speeding, disobeying traffic signals, texting and driving, fleeing and eluding police, or driving on a suspended license.
Contact Our Bethesda, MD Criminal Defense Lawyers
At the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder, we will give you the personal attention you need to feel confident that your criminal case is being handled correctly. We know how scary these situations can be, and we will do everything we can to ease your worries and reduce your stress. We will answer all of your questions and provide you with guidance on what to say and do when you appear in court.
We will make sure you are dressed professionally, including providing you with a tie to wear if you need one, and we will make sure you will be ready to address the judge and answer all questions appropriately. Our lawyers will fight to help you avoid a conviction and achieve the best possible outcome for you. To arrange a free consultation, contact us at 301-762-7500.

Contact Our Team Today
Office Location
107 N Adams St
Rockville, MD 20850
Call 301-762-7500
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