Free Consultations 301-762-7500

Rockville Felony and Misdemeanor Prostitution Attorneys

Lawyers Helping Defend Against Charges of Prostitution, Solicitation, or Sex Trafficking in Rockville, MD

In Maryland, most prostitution offenses are charged as misdemeanors, but there are some cases that may lead to felony charges. The seriousness of the charges will often depend on the nature of the alleged offense and whether there were any aggravating factors. Prostitution charges can lead to legal penalties and personal problems, and it is important to take the right steps to develop a strong defense strategy.

At the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder, our attorneys provide compassionate legal help to people who have been charged with crimes related to prostitution. We understand the sensitive nature of these cases, and we work to help our clients protect their reputations while working to resolve their cases effectively.

Misdemeanor Prostitution Offenses and Penalties

While prostitution offenses are usually classified as misdemeanors in Maryland, they may still lead to serious penalties. Specific offenses may include:

  • Prostitution: A person who agrees to engage in sexual acts in exchange for money or something of value may face a prison sentence of up to one year and a $500 fine if they are convicted.
  • Solicitation of Prostitution: Offering payment or other benefits in exchange for sexual acts carries the same penalties as prostitution: up to one year in prison and a $500 fine.
  • Assignation: Making appointments or otherwise arranging for prostitution is treated the same as engaging in prostitution itself, and a person who is convicted of this offense may face a one-year prison sentence and a $500 fine.
  • Operating a Place of Prostitution: Allowing a building or vehicle to be used for prostitution can also lead to criminal charges, with penalties that may include a sentence of one year in prison and a $500 fine.
  • Promoting or Profiting From Prostitution: This is sometimes referred to as "pimping," and it can lead to more serious penalties than prostitution. A person who is convicted may face a maximum prison sentence of 10 years and fines up to $10,000.
  • Sex Trafficking: Allegations of transporting and harboring people who engage in prostitution or enticing people into sex work can lead to serious charges. When this offense is charged as a misdemeanor, penalties for a conviction may include up to 10 years in prison and up to $5,000 in fines.

Felony Prostitution Offenses and Penalties

Prostitution offenses involving allegations of sex trafficking may lead to felony charges in some cases. In general, sex trafficking involving victims who are minors or the use of force or threats is a felony offense. A conviction can lead to a sentence of up to 25 years in prison and a maximum fine of $15,000.

How the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder Can Help With Misdemeanor or Felony Prostitution Charges

Our legal can help address serious charges related to prostitution. Whether an offense is a misdemeanor or felony, we can build strong defense strategies while also working to protect our client's reputation. We will perform a detailed review of a case, looking at the evidence, the details of an investigation by law enforcement, testimony from witnesses, and other important details. We can determine whether a client's rights were violated and provide guidance on how the case may be resolved.

In cases involving felony charges, we may be able to negotiate with prosecutors to reduce the charges to misdemeanors, which carry lighter penalties. We can also help determine whether some or all of the charges can be dismissed or whether options such as probation, community service, or counseling programs may be available. We will work to secure an acquittal when possible, and we will fight to make sure our client can resolve their case successfully.

We help clients prepare for their cases by explaining what will happen when they appear in court. We provide coaching on how to answer questions appropriately, how to speak to the judge, and what they should wear to show that they are treating the court with respect. Our attorneys will argue for positive solutions, and if prosecutors are not willing to negotiate in good faith, we will not hesitate to take a case to trial and argue for an acquittal.

Contact Our Rockville, MD Misdemeanor and Felony Prostitution Charges Defense Lawyers

If you are facing charges related to prostitution, whether as a misdemeanor or felony offense, the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder can work with you to defend against a conviction. Our legal team understands how serious these cases can be, and we will fight to protect your rights and reputation. Contact us at 301-762-7500 to schedule a free and confidential consultation. We provide representation in Rockville, across most of Maryland, and in Washington, D.C.


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107 N Adams St
Rockville, MD 20850
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