Rockville DUI/DWI Test Attorneys
Experienced DUI Test Attorneys Helping Address Blood Tests, Breath Tests, and Field Sobriety Tests in Rockville, MD
When a person is pulled over in a traffic stop, police officers will try to determine whether they may have been drinking alcohol or using drugs. If an officer has a reason to believe that the driver is intoxicated, they may arrest the driver for DUI/DWI. In these cases, officers may use different tests to determine whether a driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These tests can play a critical role in the case against someone who is charged with DUI or DWI. However, the results of these tests are not always reliable, and they may be challenged with the help of an attorney.
The Law Offices of Mallon Snyder can help you determine the best approach to take when addressing DUI or DWI charges. We will review the evidence, identify weaknesses in the tests that were performed, and build a strong defense for you. We know how these charges may affect your life, and we will work to help you avoid the loss of your license and defend against a conviction. Our goal is to have the charges dismissed or resolve your case in ways that will not have a long-term impact on your record and your future.
Types of DUI/DWI Tests
There are three main types of tests that may be used in DUI or DWI cases:
- Field Sobriety Tests: A police officer may ask a driver to take these during a traffic stop to determine whether they may be impaired. They may include activities like walking along a straight line or balancing on one foot. While these tests are meant to help an officer identify possible intoxication, they can be affected by issues such as fatigue, medical conditions, or the environment. Drivers should also understand that these tests are not mandatory.
- Breath Tests: A driver may be asked to provide a breath sample that will measure the concentration of alcohol in their system. A blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher may lead to charges of DUI. If a driver is below this limit, they could still be charged with DWI if an officer believes that they are impaired. It may be possible to challenge the results of breath tests based on issues such as the calibration of a breathalyzer device.
- Blood Tests: In some cases, a driver's blood may be drawn, and a laboratory will analyze this sample to measure the presence of alcohol or drugs. These tests may be used if a driver has been suspected of using drugs or when a breath test has led to inconclusive results. While blood tests are considered to be accurate, they can be affected by laboratory errors or other issues that may lead to incorrect results.
Challenging the Evidence and Building a Strong Defense
While DUI/DWI tests may seem like strong evidence, there are many ways a skilled attorney can address them when defending against a conviction. Potential strategies may include:
- Challenging Unlawful Stops: Our lawyers can look at whether a traffic stop was conducted lawfully. If the officer lacked reasonable suspicion and did not have a reason to pull a driver over, any evidence they collected may be inadmissible in court due to 4th Amendment violations.
- Addressing Violations of Protocol: Our attorneys can identify procedural errors or violations that may show that test results are unreliable. We can take steps to exclude flawed evidence from a DUI/DWI case.
- Presenting Alternative Explanations: Our lawyers will explore other reasons why a person may have failed a DUI/DWI test, such as medical conditions, environmental factors, or improper handling of evidence.
Our team combines a detailed analysis of the evidence with strategic legal arguments to build a strong defense strategy. Our goal is to protect our clients' rights and help them minimize the ways they may be affected by DUI or DWI charges.
In addition to determining the best approach to take when defending against a conviction, we will make sure our clients are ready to address the legal issues that may arise during their cases. We provide effective coaching on what to expect in the courtroom. We help our clients understand what they will be asked and what they should say in response.
Our goal is to help take as much uncertainty out of the process as possible while also presenting a positive image by instructing our clients on how to dress and making sure they have a tie to wear. We will provide compassionate legal help while speaking up on behalf of our clients and fighting to ensure that they can move forward while avoiding long-term problems related to DUI or DWI charges.
Contact Our Rockville DUI/DWI Test Defense Attorneys
If you have been arrested for drunk driving in Rockville or other cities in the surrounding area, the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder can help you address any tests that have been performed. These tests may not be as reliable as they seem, and we can challenge evidence when possible and fight to resolve your case successfully. Contact our lawyers at 301-762-7500 to set up a free consultation. We can provide legal help throughout most counties in Maryland, and we also serve clients in Washington, D.C.

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107 N Adams St
Rockville, MD 20850
Call 301-762-7500
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