Rockville, MD DUI/DWI Attorneys for Blood Tests
Lawyers Addressing Blood Alcohol Tests in DUI and DWI Cases in Rockville
In DUI/DWI cases, blood tests are often considered to be one of the most accurate methods for determining a person's blood alcohol content (BAC) or detecting the presence of drugs in their system. These tests involve drawing a blood sample and analyzing it in a laboratory to measure the level of alcohol or controlled substances in the bloodstream. While they are often seen as reliable, blood test results are not foolproof, and it may be possible to challenge them in court.
If you are facing DUI or DWI charges in Rockville, other parts of Maryland, or Washington, D.C., the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder can help you understand how blood tests may be used in your case. We will work with you to explore the legal strategies that may be used to challenge the results. With our help, you can make sure you will be able to defend against a conviction and avoid serious penalties whenever possible.
The Role of Blood Tests in DUI/DWI Cases
Blood tests may be performed in situations where:
- The driver is suspected of drugged driving.
- Breath tests are unavailable or have inconclusive results.
- The driver is unable or unwilling to take a breath test.
- An accident has occurred that led to serious injuries or fatalities.
Blood tests can detect both alcohol and drugs, including prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and illegal substances. The results of these tests are often used as evidence by prosecutors to show that the driver was under the influence at the time of a traffic stop or an accident.
Reasons to Challenge Blood Test Results
Despite their reputation for accuracy, blood tests are not without flaws. There are several reasons why their results may be challenged in a DUI/DWI defense:
- Improper Collection Procedures:Blood samples must be collected by a qualified medical professional using sterile equipment. Contamination, improper storage, or failure to follow the right procedures when drawing blood can lead to inaccurate results.
- Chain of Custody Issues:The chain of custody refers to how a blood sample was handled between when it was collected and when it was analyzed. Any gaps during this process, including a lack of documentation showing a chain of custody, can call the results into question.
- Delay Between Arrest and Testing:Alcohol levels in the bloodstream change over time. If there is a significant delay between a traffic stop and a blood draw, the results may not provide an accurate estimate of the driver's BAC at the time they were operating the vehicle.
- Testing Errors: Laboratory errors, such as improper calibration of testing equipment, contamination of blood samples, or mishandling, mislabeling, or swapping of samples, can lead to inaccurate results. Laboratory technicians may also make procedural mistakes that affect the results of an analysis.
- Medications or Medical Conditions:Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or acid reflux, could potentially lead to a false positive result of a blood test. Some medications may also interfere with blood test results.
- Lack of Consent or a Valid Warrant:In most cases, blood tests require either the driver's consent or a valid warrant. If a person's blood was drawn without authorization, the results of blood tests may be excluded as evidence.
Why Challenging Blood Test Results Matters
Blood test results are often one of the most crucial forms of evidence used by prosecutors in DUI/DWI cases. Challenging the accuracy of these tests or showing that they should not be admitted as evidence can weaken the case against you. This could lead to reduced charges or even a dismissal or acquittal. With so much at stake—including your license, your freedom, and your future—it is essential to work with an attorney who understands how to challenge blood tests in DUI/DWI cases.
Legal Help Provided by the Experienced Attorneys at the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder
With the right lawyer on your side, you can make sure the right approach is taken during your case. At the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder, we will not only determine the best defense strategies to use, which may include challenging blood tests or other test results, but we will make sure to provide you with the help you need from the beginning to the end of your case.
If you are like most people, you will be worried about what might happen with you appear in court. We will do everything we can to ease these concerns by explaining what you can expect. We will make sure you know how your case will be handled, where you should stand while you are in the courtroom, and how to answer the questions the judge is likely to ask you. We will also make sure you present the right appearance by helping you dress professionally and providing you with a tie if you do not have one of your own.
We will not be satisfied with pleading guilty on your behalf and accepting an unfavorable deal offered by a prosecutor. We will fight hard to help you resolve your case in a positive way. Unlike many other attorneys, we have a great deal of experience representing clients in trials and winning cases, and we are ready to do the same for you.
Contact Our Rockville, Maryland DUI/DWI Blood Test Lawyers
When blood test results are a factor in your DUI or DWI case, the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder will fight to protect your rights and help you resolve your case successfully. We will carefully analyze the evidence in your case and build a strong defense for you. Contact our team at 301-762-7500 to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you defend against DUI/DWI charges.

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Rockville, MD 20850
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