Rockville DUI/DWI Lawyers for Field Sobriety Tests
Skilled Attorneys Helping Address Roadside Sobriety Tests in Drunk Driving Cases in Rockville, MD
During a traffic stop, a police officer may ask a driver to take tests to find out whether they may have been using alcohol or drugs. These tests can help an officer decide whether to arrest the driver for DUI or DWI. However, the results of field sobriety tests are not always accurate, and it may be possible to challenge them in court.
If you are facing DUI or DWI charges in Maryland, the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder can help you build a strong defense that addresses field sobriety tests and other types of evidence. We will work to protect your rights and help you resolve your case successfully.
Types of Field Sobriety Tests
During a traffic stop, an officer may ask a driver to perform one or more tests on the side of the road. There are three tests that have been approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):
- Tracking an Object With the Eyes:The officer will move an object back and forth and watch how the person's eyes move when tracking the object. If the eyes jerk uncontrollably, this may be seen as a sign that they are intoxicated.
- Walking in a Straight Line:The officer will have the driver take several steps in one direction, then turn and take the same number of steps in the opposite direction. They will be looking to see whether the person loses their balance or does not follow instructions correctly.
- Standing on One Foot:The officer will have the driver stand with one foot lifted off the ground for 30 to 60 seconds. They will watch to see whether the person loses their balance or puts their foot down.
Why Field Sobriety Tests May Be Challenged
Although field sobriety tests are widely used, they can be unreliable. There are several reasons why the results of these tests may be challenged in a DUI/DWI defense:
- Questioning the Officer's Opinions:Whether field sobriety tests showed that a person was drunk will be based on the officer's judgment. Questioning the reasons for their opinions may show that they had already decided a person was intoxicated before performing the tests.
- Physical and Medical Issues:Many health issues can affect a person's ability to perform physical activities. Age, weight, injuries, disabilities, or chronic illnesses may have affected the results. For example, a driver with a knee injury may struggle to walk in a straight line or stand on one leg even when they are sober.
- Roadside Factors:Rainy or snowy weather, strong winds, uneven pavement, or dim lighting can make it difficult to perform field sobriety tests, even when a person has not been drinking.
- Stress:Being stopped by police is often a scary experience, and nervousness can affect a person's ability to follow an officer's directions correctly.
- Improper Tests:If an officer did not follow the right steps when having a driver perform tests, the results may be invalid. For example, the officer may not have provided clear instructions.
Field sobriety tests are not foolproof, and they do not always show whether a person is drunk. Because they can be unreliable, they may be challenged in court.
Addressing Field Sobriety Tests and Defending Against DUI/DWI Charges
Our attorneys understand how to address different types of evidence when helping clients defend against drunk driving charges. We will review all evidence in a case to determine whether an officer followed the right procedures. We may be able to question whether field sobriety tests were accurate while also presenting other evidence to help defend against a conviction. We have obtained acquittals for clients even in cases involving testimony about standardized field sobriety tests from instructors at the Police Academy.
Even if the evidence against you seems strong, you should not lose hope. We can provide the representation needed to help you resolve your case successfully. We will not encourage you to accept a guilty plea when other options for defense may be available, and we will make sure you understand what steps you can take to minimize the penalties you may face.
We will also make sure you will be ready to step into the courtroom and speak to a judge. We will prepare you before you go to court, making sure you know what you should say and do. We will let you know where you will stand, what you should look at, what questions the judge will ask, and how you should answer. We will also make sure you appear professional, including giving you a tie to wear, so that you can present the best possible picture during your day in court.
Contact Our Rockville, Maryland DUI/DWI Defense Attorneys for Sobriety Tests
When defending against DUI or DWI charges, the Law Offices of Mallon Snyder can help you defend your rights. We know the complex issues involved in these cases, and we will provide strong representation to help you achieve a positive outcome. Contact us today at 301-762-7500 to arrange a free consultation and get the legal help you need. We provide representation for clients in county courts throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C.

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