Need a Criminal Defense Attorney? Don’t Panic - Take Your Time
It’s easy to panic when you’ve been charged with a crime. You may also feel anxiety, stress, anger, and fear. The very first thing you should do after being charged with a crime is speak to an attorney. Unfortunately finding an attorney quickly can add to your stress, but it is something you should always approach calmly. Rushing into a decision can result in not getting the right attorney. If you have never been in trouble with the law before, you may not know how to hire a criminal defense lawyer.
Maybe you have a family member, friend, or co-worker who has used a local criminal defense lawyer. If so, you might ask them for the attorney’s name. You can also look online at the criminal defense attorneys in your area who have experience with your specific crime. When you choose a Frederick County, MD criminal defense attorney from Law Offices of Mallon Snyder, you have taken an important first step in protecting your rights and your future.
How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Ease Your Fears
Regardless of the crime you are charged with, you likely have many questions. Once these questions are answered, and you know you have someone watching your back, you can get down to the process of helping your attorney build a strong defense for you. Some of the questions you may have include:
- Will my case be dismissed?
- Will I have to speak in court?
- When will my first hearing be?
- How long could the case take?
- What penalties am I facing?
- Do I have to tell my employer?
- Will I lose my driver’s license? (if the offense is related to a DUI)
- Do you think I will be found guilty?
An attorney who answers these questions clearly and honestly can go a long way in easing your fear.
Hiring the Best Criminal Defense Attorney for You Really Makes a Difference
There are many more aspects to having an attorney than your defense in court. An exceptional attorney is one who will always go the extra mile for you and one who treats you with respect and care.
Maybe you don’t have a tie or a nice suit jacket to appear in court. While it may seem like a small thing, the attorney you need is the one who will make sure you have everything necessary to feel as comfortable as possible.
This attorney will fight fearlessly for you and your family and will make sure you are fully prepped and ready for court. This attorney and his staff are friendly and helpful. They want to meet your family and get to know your story. Most importantly, this attorney really cares – and it shows.
Things to Consider When Hiring an Attorney
Since the outcome of your case can impact your future, it is important that you hire the best criminal defense attorney for you after considering several issues. Of course, you want an attorney with experience defending the criminal offense you’re charged with. If you are being charged with DUI, you need an attorney with lots of experience – and good results – defending others charged with DUI.
If you are charged with a violent crime – like murder, rape, robbery, burglary, or certain other crimes – you need an attorney with broad experience in these areas. It’s important that your attorney is local for many reasons. First, it makes it much easier for you to get to and from his or her office.
Second, a local attorney knows how the local courts and local prosecutors operate, which gives you an advantage. The final components are availability, communication, and trust. You need an attorney who will answer your calls, talk to you honestly, and whom you can trust to do what’s best for you.
Contact a Montgomery County, MD Criminal Defense Lawyer
For the kind of legal representation you need and deserve, contact a Rockville, MD criminal defense attorney from Law Offices of Mallon Snyder. We will fight aggressively for the best outcome possible. With 45 years of experience and 24/7 availability, we offer things others don’t – like personal coaching, trial prep, and what to wear in court. Call 301-762-7500 to schedule your free consultation. Habla Espanol.

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