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Initiative aims to reduce drunk driving during the holidays

 Posted on December 06, 2023 in DUI Charges

The holiday season is a wonderful time of year that calls for celebrations with cherished friends and family. However, it is important to celebrate responsibly. Law enforcement agencies in Maryland say that there are more arrests made for driving under the influence of alcohol during the holidays than at any other time of the year. This time of year, police forces commonly ramp up efforts to reduce drunk driving and keep roadways safe.  

Drive Sober campaign 

Officials in Charles County recently announced that the Drive Sober campaign will continue for the third consecutive year. The campaign will run from Nov. 20, 2023 to Jan. 1, 2024 to combat drunk driving and promote safety during the holiday season. This period is historically one of the deadliest times of the year for motorists. 

During the Drive Sober campaign, law enforcement will reportedly ramp up patrols and set up DUI checkpoints. The initiative also focuses on bringing awareness to responsible behavior, like designating a sober driver. This season, the State Attorney’s Office is providing a special discount code for Uber rides and distributing rideshare gift cards to encourage safe driving in Charles County. 

Those charged have rights 

Being arrested and charged with driving under the influence can put a damper on the holiday season. These types of allegations can have far-reaching impacts. Those in Maryland who are facing DUI charges have options that can help them defend against these accusations. A seasoned legal representative can offer guidance to those accused and ensure that their rights are protected throughout this stressful process. 

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