Driver found unresponsive, faces DUI charges
Few things are as embarrassing as being pulled over, handcuffed and accused of drunk driving. To make matters worse, individuals who are arrested for driving under the influence in Maryland can face public humiliation as they typically appear in local media outlets, newspapers and websites. The humiliation of being arrested combined with the stress of facing serious DUI charges is enough to shatter even the strongest person. However, even though a DUI charge can be stressful and embarrassing, it does not constitute a criminal conviction.
Recently in St. Mary’s County, a driver was arrested and now faces DUI charges, along with other offenses. The incident happened on Three Notch Road near Mervell Dean Road. According to police reports, an officer noticed a vehicle, and as he approached it, he found the driver unresponsive.
Reports said the officer investigated the scene and suspected the driver of being under the influence of alcohol. Reportedly, the officer claims to have noticed what he suspected to be cannabis in plain sight. The driver was arrested and charged with DUI and several other traffic citations, along with a criminal citation for CDS: Possession of Cannabis Over Civil Use, reports said.
What can be done after receiving a DUI charge?
Make no mistake about it, driving under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things a person can do. The consequences of drunk driving are serious. However, any individual in Maryland who has been charged with DUI has the right to defend against this charge in court. A knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense attorney can help those accused determine a strategy to help them achieve the best possible outcome.

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