School board candidate accused of DUI
Being arrested and charged with driving under the influence can affect a person in many ways. It’s enough to cause sleepless nights, not to mention embarrassment and irreparable damage to one’s reputation and public image. According to police in Anne Arundel County, a school board candidate for District 5 was recently arrested and charged with driving under the influence.
Incident details
Reports said Maryland police initiated a traffic stop on a vehicle driven by the candidate near Tolstoy Lane and Lower Magothy Beach Road around 7 p.m. Officers said the driver was offered a sobriety test but noted that a test was not administered. Apparently, police were not able to confirm if the driver refused the test. Police said the candidate was arrested and charged with driving while impaired by alcohol, driving while under the influence of alcohol and other traffic-related charges.
In Maryland, a driver is considered under the influence of alcohol if their BAC is .08 or higher. If a driver has a BAC of .07 they are assumed to be driving while impaired, which is a less severe offense. According to the Maryland Department of Transportation, if a BAC test is refused or failed, the officer will confiscate the driver’s license, issue a paper temporary license and prepare a case for the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration file.
Help for those accused
Even though this person was reportedly charged with DUI, they are innocent until proven guilty. Regardless, a charge like this can do a great deal of damage to their reputation and may inhibit them for years. In Maryland, those who have been charged with DUI have the right to defend against this charge. By consulting an experienced legal representative, those accused can ensure that personal rights are safeguarded.

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