Recent checkpoint results in DUI arrest and citations
Driving under the influence of alcohol continues to be a significant concern in Maryland and across the United States. Drivers who get behind the wheel while intoxicated not only endanger their own lives, but the lives of all others around them. Law enforcement agencies across the state of Maryland are making efforts to combat drunk driving and keep roadways safe.
Charles County DUI checkpoint
Recently, the Charles County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Operations Unit conducted a significant DUI checkpoint to enhance road safety. For this initiative, the Charles County Sheriff’s Office collaborated with Maryland Transit Authority Police, Maryland State Police and members of Patrol Squad 3/K to combat impaired driving in the area and ensure traffic law compliance. The strategic DUI checkpoint was located at the intersection of St. Charles Parkway and Gallery Place.
According to reports, a total of 521 vehicles were stopped and assessed at the checkpoint. Officers said 29 citations were issued along with 8 warnings. Reports also said the operation resulted in one DUI arrest. The DUI checkpoint was part of a larger initiative funded by the Maryland Highway Safety Office. The initiative shows a concerted effort by state authorities to reduce impaired driving and prioritize road safety.
Those charged have rights
Although being arrested for drunk driving can be a troubling experience, those accused have rights. While serious, a DUI charge in and of itself does not constitute a conviction. In some cases, the charges can be reduced or even thrown out. Those in Maryland who are hit with DUI charges have the right to speak with a legal representative about their options for defense. An experienced attorney can provide much-needed guidance and protection.

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