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How a Maryland DUI Can Damage Your Future

 Posted on February 14, 2025 in DUI Charges

MD defense lawyerBeing charged with DUI can be stressful and overwhelming. DUI charges can also be life-altering in ways you may not have thought about. A DUI conviction in Maryland is much more complicated than paying a ticket and moving on with your life. It is rare for DUI convictions in the state to be expunged, so a DUI conviction can follow you for the rest of your life.

The time to take action to prevent the consequences of a DUI conviction is as soon as you are charged with the offense. Having a knowledgeable DUI attorney on board is literally the most important step you can take to safeguard your future. The sooner your attorney is on the case, the sooner he or she can take steps that will positively impact your DUI charges. In most cases, you can expect a much better outcome when you have a Baltimore County, MD DUI lawyer as your advocate.  

What Are the Usual Penalties for a First-Time Maryland DUI?

If your blood alcohol content is 0.08 percent or above, you will likely face DUI charges. Those with a BAC as low as 0.05 percent could be charged with DWI. If convicted of DUI, you could face up to one year in jail and fines as large as $1,000. If there was a minor in the vehicle at the time, those penalties could double. You could also lose your driver’s license for 180 to 270 days. If you were to be put in jail for your DUI, you would likely lose your current job and your regular paycheck.

Additional Consequences of a DUI Conviction

The possibility of spending time in jail and the high fines are serious on their own. Unfortunately, there are many more negative consequences for your DUI conviction, including:

  • You may have trouble getting work with a DUI on your record. Many companies will not hire an employee with even one DUI.
  •  Renting an apartment or a home can be much harder since landlords can pull a background check on prospective renters that reveals DUI convictions.
  •  Getting a government student loan to go to college is not likely with a DUI conviction.
  • In some cases, it can be difficult or impossible to get a professional license with a DUI conviction.
  • Some countries – like Canada – don’t allow a person with a DUI conviction into the country.
  • Your personal relationships can suffer from a DUI conviction, especially your relationship with your spouse.
  • You could have difficulty obtaining custody of your child if you are going through a divorce, or you could potentially have your custody or visitation schedules altered because of the DUI.
  • Your car insurance premiums will be much higher.
  • Family and friends may lose trust in your decision-making capabilities.
  • The financial effects of everything associated with a DUI can be devastating.

How Can an Experienced DUI Attorney Help?

If you’ve been charged with DUI, there are so many ways a DUI lawyer can help you get through this difficult time with the least amount of consequences. Your attorney may recommend counseling or treatment programs to show the judge (and your family members) that you are committed to making positive changes.

If there is a way to reduce your DUI charges to something less damaging – like reckless driving – this can be extremely helpful. Your attorney may be able to get you into a diversion program that involves probation, drug and alcohol counseling, and attendance in at least one MADD victim’s impact panel. If the police committed errors during your stop and arrest for DUI, your attorney may even be able to have your charges dropped entirely.

Contact a Montgomery County, MD DUI Lawyer

With such serious possible consequences, speaking to a Rockville, MD DUI attorney from Law Offices of Mallon Snyder makes sense. With more than 45 years of legal experience, we help our clients in every area, from trial prep, to how to dress. We are always willing to fight aggressively in court for our clients and have great relationships with the area judges. For a free consultation, call 301-762-7500.

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