Reality television star Karen Huger facing DUI charges
Anyone from all walks of life here in Maryland and across the nation can occasionally make a mistake. No matter one’s status in society, if that mistake involves driving while under the influence of alcohol, the potential consequences could be life-altering. Fortunately, there is professional support available to everyone who suddenly faces DUI and other related criminal charges no matter the unique circumstances of the arrest.
Prominent reality television star Karen Huger of the Real Housewives of Potomac is facing criminal charges after recently wrecking her vehicle. The incident took place late on a Tuesday night in Montgomery County. Law enforcement alleges that Huger’s vehicle went over a median before striking two different traffic signs. Her vehicle reportedly suffered extensive damage, leaving it inoperable.
What reportedly took place after the accident?
Authorities transported Huger to the police station in the aftermath of the accident and subsequently placed her under arrest. She was charged with negligent driving, operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol and driving under the influence. The reality star later expressed her thankfulness to have survived the incident, including her claims that she was nearly hit by another vehicle that drove away before authorities arrived on the scene.
Where to turn for help and assistance
Any individual who is suddenly facing these serious charges has certain rights under the law, including a presumption of innocence until and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Those accused of DUI are also entitled to explore all of their possible legal options, including any plea deals that could significantly reduce the initial charges. An experienced Maryland criminal defense attorney can carefully guide someone through these trying times and increase the odds of achieving the most favorable outcome possible.

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