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Driver found unresponsive, faces DUI charges

 Posted on April 30, 2023 in DUI Charges

Few things are as embarrassing as being pulled over, handcuffed and accused of drunk driving. To make matters worse, individuals who are arrested for driving under the influence in Maryland can face public humiliation as they typically appear in local media outlets, newspapers and websites. The humiliation of being arrested combined with the stress of facing serious DUI charges is enough to shatter even the strongest person. However, even though a DUI charge can be stressful and embarrassing, it does not constitute a criminal conviction. 

Recently in St. Mary’s County, a driver was arrested and now faces DUI charges, along with other offenses. The incident happened on Three Notch Road near Mervell Dean Road. According to police reports, an officer noticed a vehicle, and as he approached it, he found the driver unresponsive. 

Reports said the officer investigated the scene and suspected the driver of being under the influence of alcohol. Reportedly, the officer claims to have noticed what he suspected to be cannabis in plain sight. The driver was arrested and charged with DUI and several other traffic citations, along with a criminal citation for CDS: Possession of Cannabis Over Civil Use, reports said. 

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Woman faces DUI charges after recent accident

 Posted on April 17, 2023 in DUI Charges

Being handcuffed and thrown into the back of a Maryland police car is a scenario that nobody wants to experience. Those who receive a DUI charge may face steep fines as well as incarceration to go along with the humiliation they may be feeling. When someone gets hit with DUI charges, it does not necessarily mean that he or she will be convicted.

Driver injured and arrested

Recently in Hellertown, a woman was seriously injured after colliding with a utility pole. She now faces DUI charges. The accident happened during the evening hours near the 1600 block of Main Street. According to police reports, the woman was driving along Main Street when her vehicle struck a utility pole that was beside the roadway.

Reports said the woman was hurt in the crash and was taken to a local medical center for treatment. Allegedly, police obtained a blood sample from the woman which reportedly showed a blood alcohol content that was over the legal limit. The woman was arrested, charged with DUI and also received traffic citations, authorities said.

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Lo que usted debe saber antes de defenderse contra una agresión física

 Posted on April 14, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Una agresión física podría venir en cualquier momento. Los ataques no ocurren solamente en lugares como el bar o la discoteca, pero también podrían ocurrir en el estacionamiento del supermercado o hasta en su propia casa. Puede ser que usted se sienta confidente en su capacidad de protegerse y a su familia contra cualquier ataque físico que podría ocurrir.

Pero una lesión física no es el único resultado negativo que podría resultar de un altercado. Si la víctima de un ataque no sabe cómo defenderse dentro de los límites de la ley, podría encontrarse con problemas legales también – como una causa civil o cargos penales.

Cómo defenderse físicamente en manera legal

A diferencia de muchos otros estados, en Maryland no hay un estatuto que define exactamente cuales sean los límites legales para la autodefensa legítima. Pero, mirando los resultados de casos que han ocurrido en los tribunales del estado, es posible notar los factores que busca un tribunal para decidir si un uso de autodefensa era legal o no.

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DUI charges and false Breathalyzer readings

 Posted on April 02, 2023 in Field Sobriety Tests

Driving while under the influence of alcohol is illegal, and it’s also reckless. Those convicted often face steep penalties, even including jail time. When police make a traffic stop and need to determine if a driver has been drinking, officers usually initially rely on a Breathalyzer test. However, these tests are not always accurate and can give false readings. Nevertheless, if a driver takes a Breathalyzer test and gets a false reading, a DUI charge will likely follow.

What can cause a false reading?

Acetone is one cause of false Breathalyzer readings. When the body breaks down food, acetone can be a byproduct. It has a fruity or sweet odor and commonly exists in the breath of anyone. Research has shown that people with hypoglycemia may have more acetone in their breath.

Also, diabetics often receive false breathalyzer readings. According to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 23 million people in the United States have diabetes, and around five million of them are not even aware that they have it. A person with diabetes can have high enough levels of acetone in their breath to give Breathalyzer readings of .06. Certain diets as well as fasting may also cause higher levels of acetone in a person’s breath.

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¿Qué me puede suceder después de una condena por manejar ebrio en Maryland?

 Posted on March 27, 2023 in DUI Charges

Una condena por manejar bajo la influencia de alcohol o de drogas puede tener un enorme efecto en la vida del acusado, que puede tocar casi cada aspecto de su vida. Si usted se encuentra frente a acusaciones penales por conducir intoxicado, seguramente quiere saber cuáles sanciones le esperan si el fiscal logra condenarlo.

La suspensión de la licencia de conducir

Después de una condena, es posible que usted pierda su licencia de conducir por un tiempo. La duración de la suspensión depende de si es su primera o segunda condena (enlace en inglés). Por ejemplo, después de su segunda condena por manejar intoxicado en un período de tres años, la duración máxima de la suspensión aumenta de 60 días a 120 días.

Cárcel y multa

Bajo ciertas circunstancias, es posible que la corte condene a un acusado a la cárcel por hasta un año por su primera condena, o una multa de hasta $1,000, o los dos (enlace en inglés). Si es su segunda condena por el mismo delito, la condena de prisión máxima se aumenta a dos años, y la multa a $2,000.

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Detective charged with DUI, suspended

 Posted on March 25, 2023 in DUI Charges

A charge of driving under the influence of alcohol can cause a person many sleepless nights. Just being accused of DUI can be stressful and even humiliating, often causing damage to a person’s reputation. That’s particularly true for public servants, including police officers. A conviction usually comes with significant penalties, although being accused of DUI does not necessarily mean the accused individual will be convicted.

Crash blamed on drunk driving

Recently in Severna Park, a detective was charged with driving under the influence after being involved in a crash. The accident happened at night near Gov. Ritchie Highway and Jones Station Road shortly before 8:30 p.m. on St. Patrick’s Day. According to reports, authorities responded to reports of a single-vehicle crash and found a vehicle that had hit a road sign.

After speaking with the driver, officers reportedly observed signs of impairment and placed the man under arrest. Apparently, the driver is a 15-year veteran of the Anne Arundel County Police Department and recently worked as a detective with the Criminal Investigation Division. Reports indicated that he also received other traffic-related offenses. Reportedly, the officer has been suspended with pay pending an investigation.

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