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Off-duty officer arrested and charged with DUI

 Posted on November 19, 2023 in DUI Charges

There aren’t many things as embarrassing as being pulled over and handcuffed on suspicion of driving under the influence. Being thrown into the back of a police car and accused of DUI can cause any person many sleepless nights filled with anxiety and worry. To add to the humiliation, many of those who are charged with DUI in Maryland often appear in local newspapers and media outlets for everyone to see. 

Details of a recent DUI arrest 

Recently in Washington D.C., an off-duty police officer was arrested and charged with DUI. The incident happened during the overnight hours near the 1600 block of Connecticut Avenue NW. According to reports, officers made a traffic stop on a female driver on suspicion of driving under the influence. Reports said another officer who was not in uniform drove up in a marked police car.  

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Council members raise concerns over lack of enforcement

 Posted on November 05, 2023 in DUI Charges

Driving under the influence of alcohol is one of the most reckless and dangerous things a person can do. Unfortunately, the nation’s capital and the surrounding areas see high rates of drunk drivers. This has prompted police forces and officials to step up efforts to combat this problem. Lawmakers in Washington D.C believe the city may be falling behind in its goal of making roads safer.  

Breathalyzer ignition program 

During a recent hearing on new bills aimed at reducing dangerous driving, the D.C. Council raised concerns over a lack of enforcement of current laws. More specifically, a law that was enacted to prevent drunk driving. Last year, the city instituted a mandatory Breathalyzer ignition program that those convicted of DUI must adhere to to get a reinstated license.  

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Driver faces DUI charges after recent accident

 Posted on October 20, 2023 in DUI Charges

Getting arrested can be a stressful and worrisome experience. Being thrown into the back of a police car, having a mugshot taken and locked in a jail cell are ordeals that no one in Maryland wants to experience. Drunk driving charges can be especially humiliating.  As with many other criminal offenses, those convicted of DUI charges can face serious consequences. 

Man arrested and charged 

A recent accident in Anne Arundel County resulted in a driver being arrested and facing possible DUI charges. The incident happened in Gambrills near the 2500 block of Davidsonville Road. According to reports, a pickup truck and an SUV were involved in a collision. 

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Cómo lidiar con el estigma de un cargo por DUI

 Posted on October 18, 2023 in Manejar ebrio

Un arresto por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol (DUI) conlleva consecuencias legales y personales, como el estigma social. El miedo a las opiniones de otros, la preocupación por la percepción de amigos y familiares, y las dudas sobre cómo manejar esta situación son sentimientos normales. Con eso en mente, es importante recordar que hay formas de lidiar con el estigma y seguir adelante con mayor paz mental.

Recomendaciones para enfrentarlo

Comunicación: Enfrentar el estigma empieza con la comunicación. Hable con su familia y amigos de manera abierta y honesta sobre lo sucedido. Explique sus sentimientos y las lecciones que ha aprendido. La comprensión y el apoyo de seres queridos pueden ser reconfortantes.

Enfocarse en la recuperación: En lugar de sentirse abrumado por el estigma, concéntrese en su proceso de recuperación. Muestre un compromiso real para reparar errores y tomar medidas para evitar futuras situaciones similares. Esto demostrará su crecimiento y determinación.

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New law targets boating under the influence of alcohol

 Posted on October 08, 2023 in Criminal Defense

It is common knowledge that consuming alcohol while operating a motor vehicle is illegal and can have serious consequences. Drunk drivers contribute to thousands of fatal accidents every year in Maryland and across the country. Being arrested on suspicion of DUI is a serious matter and could result in jail time if a person is convicted. Now, boating under the influence can now show up in DUI records of offenders in Maryland. 

House Bill 483 

In a recent announcement, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) said charges related to boating under the influence will now count towards past DUI charges. The law is referred to as House Bill 483. It allows authorities to examine charges in an individual’s vehicle or boat operating history to more accurately determine penalties for repeat offenders. 

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La importancia de mantener la calma durante una detención por manejar ebrio

 Posted on October 03, 2023 in Manejar ebrio

Enfrentar una detención por conducir bajo la influencia (DUI) puede ser una experiencia abrumadora y emocionalmente intensa. Sin embargo, mantener la calma en este momento crítico puede marcar la diferencia en cómo se desarrolla la situación. Te ofrecemos algunos consejos para enfrentar una detención por DUI de manera serena y con inteligencia emocional.

Conoce tus derechos

En caso de enfrentar una detención por DUI (enlace en inglés), es importante conocer tus derechos legales. Tienes derecho a permanecer en silencio y a no responder preguntas incriminatorias. Puedes pedir hablar con un abogado.

Mantén la calma en la interacción

Durante la detención, los oficiales pueden hacer preguntas y solicitar pruebas de sobriedad. Responde de manera tranquila y respetuosa. Evita discutir o confrontar a los oficiales, ya que esto puede empeorar la situación.

Evita la autoincriminación

No es obligatorio responder preguntas como: "¿Ha estado bebiendo?" o "¿Cuántas bebidas tomó?". Puedes ejercer tu derecho a permanecer en silencio sin que esto te perjudique.

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What factors influence a Breathalyzer test?

 Posted on September 21, 2023 in DUI Charges

When a Maryland driver is pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, the officer may also ask the driver to blow into a device known as a Breathalyzer. Even those who have never taken a Breathalyzer test are likely aware of these devices. They are used to determine blood alcohol content (BAC). However, like all machines, these devices are not 100% accurate. Here are a few things that could affect a Breathalyzer test

Influencing factors 

There are several factors that can affect a person’s BAC and may influence Breathalyzer tests. Body composition is a key factor in BAC levels. For instance, those who have a smaller stature often experience intoxication quicker. Yet, those with a higher body fat percentage can have a higher BAC due to a greater concentration of alcohol in their lean tissues, since body fat doesn’t absorb alcohol. Also, drinking on an empty stomach can make for a faster absorption of alcohol and play a role in BAC levels. 

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Drivers can also receive DUI charges for marijuana

 Posted on September 09, 2023 in DUI Charges

The recent legalization of marijuana in Maryland has made headlines across the country. Although Maryland drivers know that driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal, some may not be aware that marijuana can also have an impact on driving ability. Drivers who get behind the wheel after using marijuana can also receive DUI charges. 

Cannabis-related DUI 

A recent study released by the Drug-Free America Foundation suggests that cannabis-related DUIs are often higher in states where marijuana is legal. The study examined data collected in 2022 and found cannabis-related DUIs occur about 32% more in states where cannabis is legal in some capacity when compared to states where cannabis is not legal. Yet, like most states, Maryland does not have a law for how much THC must be present for a driver to be cited.  

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¿Es posible borrar mi condena por manejar ebrio de mi registro penal?

 Posted on September 05, 2023 in Manejar ebrio

Cualquier persona que ha pasado por una condena penal sabe cuántas limitaciones puede crear en la vida de una persona, sin importar su edad o estatus. Puede interferir con su capacidad de obtener empleo, ser aceptado a una universidad o calificar por becas, y mucho más. Por eso, algunas personas buscan la oportunidad de borrar su condena oficialmente, para que no sea visible si alguien revisa su registro penal.

Por suerte, un tal proceso existe, pero no todos califican. Estas son las diferencias principales entre borrar una condena y escudar una condena, y quién califica para cual bajo la ley de Maryland.

Borrar una condena del registro penal

Su capacidad de borrar una condena de su registro penal depende en parte de la severidad de su condena, y de cuanto tiempo ha pasado desde la condena (enlace en inglés). Por ejemplo, la mayoría de las condenas por un delito menor puede ser borrado después de diez años, mientras la mayoría de los delitos mayores requieren 15 años.

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What happens after a DUI arrest in Maryland?

 Posted on August 25, 2023 in DUI Charges

When a driver is charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, the future becomes uncertain. Those facing DUI charges are usually embarrassed and take a hit to their reputations. They may also endure some anxious nights without much sleep. In recent years, law enforcement agencies across Maryland have ramped up efforts to combat drunk driving. But what happens immediately after drivers in Maryland are formally charged with DUI

What happens next? 

Anyone arrested on suspicion of DUI will be required by authorities to submit to a chemical test of their blood alcohol content. A driver with a BAC of more than .08 will receive an order of suspension and the driver’s license will be seized. A driver who refuses to submit to the BAC test will also suffer a license suspension.  

After a driver’s license is taken, the driver will be given a 45-day temporary paper license. Drivers in this situation can request a hearing to challenge their license suspension. The length of time a driver’s license is suspended after a DUI arrest will vary depending on the situation, but it can range from 180 days to two years. Two-time offenders whose BAC is .15 or more, or who were involved in an accident that resulted in a fatality, can have their license revoked. 

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